The environment of our movie opening is really important in regard to the plot of the story as a whole, having placed tiny but important details in each shot in order to collectively work to paint the larger picture of this character's heartbreak and his struggle. There are some smaller details, like the messiness of the room and the trash that resides on the wardrobe. At the same time, there are some less noticeable details, such as small mirrors scattered around the house and small amounts of "cocaine" residue to show the character is an ex-addict. Out of all the details though, there are 2 things that set up the plot for the rest of the movie.
1. The Letter
- The letter is a letter written to the main character from his girlfriend saying that they're disappointed about him choosing drugs over her, setting up the main goal of the film to get the girl back.
2. The picture frame
- The picture frame is going to be briefly shown at the beginning of the opening and then once more at the end, we plan to use this frame to further depict the sickness in our characters mind, having him step on the broken glass around him and then pick up the frame. The frame will contain a picture of the girl and a card for NA (Narcotics Anonymous)
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