Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Portfolio Project - Week 6 Update 1

 This week, me and my group met up to begin filming. It was honestly a bit of a rollercoaster because of a few different things. 

1. I was supposed to go pick them up at 10 AM this morning but I woke up at 11 to a phone call from Juaquin. I WAS LATE. I rushed to get ready and picked them up as fast as possible.

2. I was very low on gas, so after picking them up, I went to a gas station and to my surprise, it was FULL of cars. I quickly made my way to another one and I was able to get some. 

3. We went to both dollar tree and goodwill to look for props, which took up a very large portion of our time. Thus, we had to hurry back to Juaquin's house to regroup.

4. At Juaquin's house, we prepared some of the scenes we needed to record and took some photos that we need to print for a portion of our opening.

Afterwards we decided to head on over to Juaquin's old house and start filming.

5. Something I'm yet to mention, is the fact that our movie opening is being recorded in 2 separate locations made to look like one. Filming the entire project at Juaquin's current home has a few restrictions as the plot of our movie opening is dependent on the environment being as grim and dark as possible in order to depict the living conditions of our character.

As Juaquin's old house is being sold, we can use the empty space to really sell the whole idea that his house is empty, reflective of his soul.

Here's an example of some of the footage we got from that house:

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Portfolio Project - Week 6 Update 3

  Sound Design  Another part of our postproduction process is our sound design, being one of the most important aspects of our opening. Musi...